The Steps To Build A Calming And Rejuvenating Meditation Practice. We all have the power within us to turn inward and calm our racing minds via Meditation. An intuitive healer that I work with told me that I need to focus less on the racing thoughts in my head...
Well-Being Tips
Inspiration and Resources for Wellness
Embrace Life And Cultivate Gratitude
Gratitude and embracing life is the key to happiness. I Invite You To Embrace Life and Cultivate Gratitude Embrace The Little Things In Life And Unexpected Beautiful Things May Begin To Transpire. This is a photo I took at Roxborough State Park, which is about...
A Positive Mindset is Mind Over Matter
Developing A Positive Mindset Is The Key To Happiness. A positive mindset brings a new perspective.When was the last time you thought outside the box with the way you looked at something? We are all guilty of creating negative loops in our head with the way that...
Mindful Cooking
Mindful Cooking Is A Critical Component In Improving Your Health.Begin the Practice of Mindful Cooking In this World, there is always constant change and forward thinking. I am a huge fan of setting intentions and goal setting. It is also important to stay grounded...
5 Ways to Enhance Your Energy Naturally
Learn the Top 5 Ways to Enhance Your Energy Naturally Are you ready to enhance your energy naturally? Energy and fatigue may seem to come in waves for many of us living in modern society. We are consistently juggling daily activities with high demands. Our...
The Top 3 Deep Breathing Exercises for Relaxation
When was the last time you stopped what you were doing and reconnected with your body? Deep Breathing Exercises Can Help to Promote Relaxation Deep breathing is a viable component for optimal health. Every cell in our body depends on oxygen in order to survive...
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