Mix All Ingredients Together For Vitality. 


Learn My Favorite Keys To Vitality

Throughout my life and professional career as a Nutritionist and Yoga Guide I’ve embedded these habits into my own and my clients daily routine. To maintain optimal health is the greatest aspect of life.

Below is the Recipe for Vitality!

1.) Eat Seasonally – Seasonal produce is fresh, nutrient dense, and diverse. As the seasons change so should your diet. Visit local farms, farmers markets, grow your own fruits and veggies, or join a CSA.

2.) Move Daily – Exercise boosts your energy, immune system, metabolism, and aids in depression. Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day and find an exercise that you love.

3.) Connect to Nature – Being in nature enhances physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Find nearby walking paths, hiking trials, and parks to visit regulary.

4.) Practice Self-Care – When you are rested and happy you can radiate happiness and love to others more easily. Create a regular sleep-wake pattern, eat throughout the day and try deep breathing and meditation.

5.) Explore the World – Visit new places often so that you can experience different environments and cultures. You can be a tourist in your own town, venture to a different state, or visit another country.


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30-Day Natural Weight Loss Program

Start Your Journey to Natural Weight Loss. The 30-Day Natural Weight Loss Program is a nutrition and lifestyle program that incorporates nutrition education, healthy eating, fitness, yoga, mindfulness, and self-care strategies.

This Natural Weight Loss Program Includes:

  • Step-by-step educational videos and resources
  • Exclusive content including daily lessons
  • Plant-based menu plans and recipes
  • Nutrition, yoga, and meditation videos

Learn how to create healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits while igniting your metabolism.

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Free 7-Day Gut Healthy Meal Plan

Download My FREE Gut Reset Meal Plan!
Get a simple 1-week plan with tasty, gut-friendly recipes
and a shopping list to reset your digestion.

Welcome to Vitality! The Gut Health Reset Meal Plan is on the way to your inbox. Check your email and enjoy!

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